Unicode Test

Unicode Version 1 3 3.2 4 4.1 5.1 5.2 6 6.1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Year 1993 1999 2002 2003 2005 2008 2009 2010 2012 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
HTML Entity 🀄 😂 😮 🖖 🙃 🥝 🥦 🦜 🦦 🧋 🫘
...with FE0E ✌︎ ⁉︎ ⤴︎ ⚡︎ ⚗︎ 🀄︎ ⛽︎ 😂︎ 😮︎ 🖖︎ 🙃︎ 🥝︎ 🥦︎ 🦜︎ 🦦︎ 🧋︎ 🫘︎
...with FE0F ✌️ ⁉️ ⤴️ ⚡️ ⚗️ 🀄️ ⛽️ 😂️ 😮️ 🖖️ 🙃️ 🥝️ 🥦️ 🦜️ 🦦️ 🧋️ 🫘️
Failover1 ✌️ ⁉️ ⤴️ ⚡️ ⚗ 🀄️ ⛽️ 😂 😮 🖖 🙃 🥝 🥦 🦜 🦦 🧋 🫘
HTML Entity: The raw emoji; if this line doesn't display, you don't have that version of Unicode.
... with FE0E: The raw emoji, but with an added flag saying "show this character as text".
... with FE0F: The raw emoji, but with an added flag saying "show this character as an emoji".
Failover: EmojiOne/JoyPixels images with unicode alt-text and title as the description. The emoji on this row should be select-copy-pasteable.
Apple: Images denoting the emoji that Apple devices (macOS, iOS) will show.

Go to Text Emoji test page