Yes, this is a talk about emoji in the archecture track. Why?
basically, because computers, we have
Three main encoding types.
YOu might have heard of these
you don't have to use all the other bits
Added benefit: it's directly compatible with ASCII bit for bit
The tags on the top note how many more to expect
0 at start is none
11 at start is one more (2 total)
111 is two more
English, Latin-character based languages, cyrliic, chinese
But the japense arne't happy
These japanese had mobile phones with these little pictures, and they wanted them in unicode
Shigetaka Kurita
12x12 pixels
Some original use on pagers
Weather reports
directions to local business
and selling tickets to things
with help of google
unicode 6 got emoji
and then nothing happened.
iOS 2, 3 in Japan
Gets emoji
then they have it as an option in the iOS 5 US version
the first verison with emoji
If it supports emoji,it will support 6
After this, adoption rates plummet
Yosemite won't support anything above 6
Levitating here because webdings
Wingdings and webdings compatitbility because missing data
If you can't see these: Upgrade. You get new emoji ... and security patches
Speaking of those flags from earlier, they work in a similar way to the facepalm emoji
>>> unicodedata.name(" ")
' '
Escape Sequence, for Named character in unicode database
"Escape Sequences, good for unicode and gravitational fields!" -- Jason Yee, gitbiscet
New in python 3.3
>>> " ".encode("unicode_escape")
' '
> g = Emoji.find_by_unicode(" ")
> Emoji.find_by_name("gem stone").raw
=> " "
> " ".ord.to_s(16)
> = "gem"
this is valud. You can have emoji variables
> = "gem"
> puts "You are a " + + "!"
php > echo IntlChar::charName(' ');
php > $ = "elephant"
php > echo "Baby " . $ . " walk"
Icecream == frozen variable
Never use
to compare strings.
here's where it gets (more) complicated
I posit that the unicode adoption, particularly the graphics and implementations was a bit rushed.
and this has been depremental to emoji
Especially with the original android adoption
>>> unicodedata.name(" ")
Yellow Heart
This is the Apple version
Here's what Android went with.
Saguaro ("So-wa-ro") mostly
Thing is we can take these variances to an interesting benefit
Can you spot the problem? Let me flip them
This is aussie traffic lights
We can have fun with these differences across platforms The Power and Responsibility
of Unicode Adoption
"The power and responsibility of UNicode adoption"
I first gave it at this very meetup in March last year.
I know right? It sounds like a proper technical talk, but it's actually me just yelling about emoji and stuff
Thing is, that's not the name The Power and Responsibility
of Unicode Adoption
this is the name. it has emoji in the title
This has caused me all sorts of fun when trying to propose and present at conferences
This is the full title of my talk
They appear on digitial displays on occassion
This one is running Windows 8
How can I tell? Because ot the emoji
this is face with cold sweat. With so many variations, it's easy to pick up exactly what OS is being run
For example, if you send an emoji to a person who has fitnit notifications, you can work out exactly the operating system, which is Android 4.3. Now, it might be a custom version, but at it's base it's android 4.3 based on this introspection
It's not just issues across platforms. Intra-platform miscommunication
grinning face w/smiling eyes vs grimmace
Scientific Paper
“Blissfully happy” or “ready to fight”: Varying Interpretations of Emoji
University of Minnesota
85R10624 KSM-D H.C.R. No. 75
RESOLVED, That the 85th Legislature of the State of Texas
hereby reject the notion that the Chilean flag, although it is a
nice flag, can in any way compare to or be substituted for the
official state flag of Texas and urge all Texans not to use the
Republic of Chile flag emoji in digital forums when referring to the
Lone Star Flag of the great State of Texas.
85R10624 KSM-D H.C.R. No. 75
RESOLVED, That the 85th Legislature of the State of Texas
hereby reject the notion that the Chilean flag, although it is a
nice flag , can in any way compare to or be substituted for the
official state flag of Texas and urge all Texans not to use the
Republic of Chile flag emoji in digital forums when referring to the
Lone Star Flag of the great State of Texas.
so how do emoji get approved
Compatibility - Cowboy added to compat with Yahoo messenger
Completeness - they didnt have the full zodiac set until 8.0 when 5 were added (including scorpio)
some things that don't count
Overly specific
Can't have a manhattan or a long island
no logos or brands
But these are a watch, headphones, a mobile and a desktop
and in no way
an iWatch, Earbuds, an iPhone and an iMac.
As new emoji are brought in
older systems will be outdated
This extends to just normal characters too, not just emoji
We can have fun breaking things
JP: mo-ji-ba-ke
Surprisingly enough, this works
So how do you get the input in?
Apple input Control CMD Space
Tom Scott
Hardware keyboard x 14 + LUA script + Autohotkey
Also Emojili - a hack as a joke, but they were approched by VCs
They had an iphone and android app
Electromagnetic field talk about the fun they had trying to create this bodge
In the webspace, you have a few options
some websites have panels
but a workaround for having a visual input mechanism is shortcodes
But they're a psudostandard
Slack: Searchable if they are native
auto convert from emoji codepoints to emoticons
Github: shortcodes, no search, autocomplete only.
Django-emoji is an app for Django that reports to do this
uses brackets instead
Cross-platform incompatibility
who here is familiar with slack
and this?
partyparrrot is not an emoji
so is github
it's an emoticon
on that note, please make automatically changing arbitaary text to emoji optional
please let me disable autocorrect
automatically overexaggerating
Reading things back again
For mobile you can mostly assume platform emoji, with sme exceptions
On the web,you have complete control
You can control the entire system
You can make it work
You can make it display your own emoji, or use a common one, like Emoji One
If i might make a suggestion
if you have to do this kind of thing
Fall Back
Don't rely on system emoji for the web. It's unreliable, and exclusionary
You could try and detect if the emoji won't work via the User Agent, or
Just serve your own emoji graphs
Yes, it's not the best way to get things done, but ✌ ⁉ ⤴ ⚡ ⚗ 🀄 ⛽
😂 😮 🖖 🙃 🥝 🥦
Actual Emoji
One from every release of unicode from 1993 - 2016
Chrome, Firefox, Safari evergreen all on el cap
: none of them look the same twemoji.js
Wordpress.com uses this.
javascript front end change emoji to fallback images only
Alt - Highlight
Have the unicode character as the alt
Allows copy and pasting
Tooltip - Mouse Over
Have the proper description there, the standard
Alt Text does not have the same functionality as Tool Tips
You can use this to your own advantage
Twitter implements all these on the web
As long as you are using a browser that runs javascript and can display images, Twitter will work every emoji.
Think of it in terms of web accessibilty
At the very least, have images that are distinct and visible
little 12x12 don't work
Use vector graphs where possible - Apple doesnt
Where you can, allow the images to be bigger
Twitter DM and Slack message - if only emoji, they're display bigger
By default, html4 does not use unicode
I know right? mind. blown.
which is also a candidate.
recommendations in Unicde10 include updating some of the glyphs to conform
including the sweat drop character
also, the 2017 update will include a third base for people, being gender neutral.
Which should allow for all the professions and people to have a version that not's a man or a woman
updates in the creators update
Emojione have also updated, now with a premoum version
They're updated a bunch of things, including the Owl
R.i.P. Argle Owl
on top of all the other gender mods
Andoird 7.1 last few days
but what about more combinations?
"Already doable [...] without the need for a new character."
‐ Mark Davis , Unicode Consortium President & Co-founder
but what about the partyy parrot? Well... there are serveral birds, but no "tropical bird"
You're welcome.
But that was last November, since then, they've literally added more exclusion factors, including
I submitted a proposal to fix this issue.
Exclusion factor K: Faulty Comparison.
"the emoji dog and poodle, and two type of camel, do not justify adding different varieties of the same kind of animal"
UTC 151 meeting on NOW in San Jose
New stuff totally happening
501(c)(3) Non-Profit
There's a lot of power in speech
Emoji are an additional communication
Don't assume others will know what you're talking about without explaination
Implement responsibly
Think about accessibility