Katie has worn many different hats over the years. They have been a software developer for many languages, systems administrator for multiple operating systems, and speaker on many different topics.
When they’re not changing the world, they enjoy cooking, making tapestries, and seeing just how well various application stacks handle emoji.
Photo, photographer @HelloMelanieC, taken at DjangoCon US 2018
Photographer Bartek Pawlik, taken at DjangoCon Europe 2018.
(generated via Simple Writer)
This human has worn many different hats over the years. They have been a thinking-box talker for many languages, thinking-box fixer for many different systems, and speaker on many different things.
When they’re not changing the world, they enjoy creating food, making pretty wall art, and seeing just how well thinking boxes can work with picture-words.
See glasnt.com/talks
In alphabetical order
All Things Open
DevOpsDays Sydney
DjangoCon AU
DjangoCon Europe
DjangoCon US
PyCon AU
PyCon US
What does ‘glasnt’ mean?
Back in the days of the Cold War, American secret service personnel has to be very careful about how they approached and contacted one another in public, the codename normally chosen was “Joe” being a very All-American name by which one could identify with any covert agent by saying “Hi Joe”. Obviously this alone isn’t enough to ensure the other person isn’t just called Joe so the typical response would be “Hi Glasnt”.
The origin of glasnt has been broadly discussed, some people think it’s short hand for “glad the country hasn’t been attacked” or derived from the acronym “Generally low activity seriousness, no threats”. At any rate, the phrase became something of a meme amongst former secret service/intelligence members as the codeword fell out of use but was held onto for nostalgia’s sake.
As for Joee and Glasnt on the forums, if you think they’re just some kids trawling around on here reading comics, it’s time to wake up and see how far down the rabbit hole goes…
– thicknavyrain, xkcd forums
No really, what does “glasnt” mean?
It was a word that came up on my Nokia 3310’s predictive text, when I entered in the last 6 digits of my (now defunct) mobile number. It wasn’t used anywhere on the internet at the time, so I used it as my handle when during the early GMail beta (2004), and the rest is history. In it’s original numeric form cast as a hexcode, it’s a very pretty colour of deep purple.